2015. 7. 18. 04:09

git status

git add <filename.확장자>

git rm <filename.확장자>

git commit -m "내용"

git checkout -b <branch name> -- create branch

git checkout <branch name> -- move to branch

git branch -- shows branch list and current using branch

git branch -m <branch name> <new branch name>  -- change branch name

git branch -d <branch name> -- delete branch


git push origin master

  - git remote add origin <원격서버주소>

git pull origin master



gitk& -- see commit history

git merge --no-ff <branch name A> -- for example, while using B branch, A branch applies new changes to B


c:> git checkout -p <branch name A> somecode.js -- only one file merge from branch name A to B

출처: <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13711455/how-can-i-merge-a-specific-file-from-one-branch-into-another-branch-in-git>

Posted by CoolDragon